Technology Training
Sonoma County Library offers many resources to learn and improve technology skills, including books, electronic resources, and in-person and virtual classes and workshops to assist learners on using computers, eReader and eAudio devices, and the internet.
All technology classes are free and open to the public. See the listings for each branch to see if registration is required.
Library Resources
LinkedIn Learning (formerly is a leading online learning company that helps individuals grow business, technology, and creative skills through award-winning video tutorials available online.
In addition to a variety of test preparation, job and career resources, this platform includes a Computer Skills Center, with video courses on popular software and computer basics.
This resource offers real-time tutoring in over 40 subjects and test preparation areas, including on computer literacy topics.
Sonoma County Library carries hundreds of books, eBooks, and eAudiobooks available for checkout on technology training topics. Visit, and search for subject headings like:
- Computers
- Computer instruction
- Coding & programming
- Operating systems
Upcoming Events
All upcoming Tech Help events.

Other Online Technology Learning
For those who are looking for other kinds of technology training, there are many resources available online for free self-paced online learning, including:
If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while, are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a refresher, this Public Library Association-developed platform offers the tools to help you tackle technology at your own pace and gain the confidence to succeed. Self-paced courses are in both English and Spanish, with themes including Starting Out, Being Safe Online, Job Skills, Being Productive, Connecting with Others, and Mobile Devices.
Goodwill Community Foundation
- Computers and Internet (English)
- Computer instruction (Spanish)