The New York Times - At Library Access

About The New York Times - At Library Access
The New York Times - At Library Access grants free access to unlimited New York Times articles and content for Sonoma County Library cardholders while using library computers or WiFi. This resource offers regular newspaper content from 1851-1922 and 1981-present. For access to New York Times content from 1923-1980 see New York Times-Remote Access (1851-present) . Courtesy of the California State Library.
At library use only: Access available only via Sonoma County Library WiFi at library locations.
To access this resource remotely please visit: The New York Times - Remote Access
Getting Started
- Have your library card ready (Don't have one? No problem! Get a Library Card)
- Click on the GO button above
- Register with an email
- Create a password
- Explore unlimited articles 1851-1922 and 1981-present
In-library access to:
All regular newspaper content (1851-1922 and 1981 - present)
- All multimedia, including video, photography, VR features and all new multimedia to come.
- Spanish and Mandarin Chinese versions of
- Personalized access, including e-mail newsletters such as California Today, and article recommendations based on topics you most commonly read about.
- The Learning Network: Classroom resources based on the articles, essays, images, videos and graphics published on
- Books: A massive trove of information on the literary world, including a Book Review podcast.
ScienceTake: Combines cutting-edge research from the world of science with stunning footage of the natural world in action.
- Guides: How to do all sorts of things, from planning your finances to telling a good story.
Available for Use On
- iOS and Android apps available
- Desktop computers
- Mobile devices
Need Help?
- Contact us by email or text
- Call or visit any library branch