Qello Concerts by Stingray

About Qello Concerts by Stingray
Qello Concerts by Stingray is the world’s largest collection of full-length concerts and music documentaries streamed on-demand.
Sign up for a 7-day unlimited access pass to the Qello Concerts resource through the Libby app.
Getting Started
- Have your library card ready (Don't have one? No problem! Get a Library Card)
- Click on the GO button above
- First time users, click on the building icon at the bottom of the page and log in to Libbyapp.com with your library card and PIN
- Locate the Extras section on the Libby homepage
- Thousands of concert films and documentaries.
- New concerts added every week.
- Stream live concerts with major partners.
- Stream on just about any device.
- Stream music events from the 1920s to today.
- World’s largest catalog of concert films, award winning music documentaries, and live streaming music events.
Available for Use On
- Access is available through the Libby app or libbyapp.com
- Desktop computers
- Mobile devices
Need Help?
- Contact us by email or text
- Call or visit any library branch